This post briefly explains how the blog is organized, and how to create new posts and templates.

This is just a clone of the source's file of the Github sources.

Blog Structure

The sample folder contains an simplified example of the Root contents for a blog. You can override the GOBLOG_ROOT environment variable to point the root to another folder.

The Root contents folders is structured as follows:

How to create your blog

Put static assets in static/ folder. They will be accessible through the /static/ URL path.

Put blog entries in entries/ folder as MarkDown documents. They will be accessible through the /entry/ URL path (without extension).

Edit blog template files under the template/ folder.

How to add an entry to your blog

Just add a file in the entries/ folder in a timestamped format. E.g. will create an entry created at November 28th, 2017 at 13:30.

The markdown file MUST contain a First-level header (e.g. # Post title), that will be used as title of the entry in the entry heading and links.

At this early stage of the blog, you MUST restart the blog process before changes are visible.

Environment variables

Version history
